
Excelfore is one of our global partners for customers working in the automotive space. Our development tools are compatible with the Ethernet protocol stacks and OTA middleware provided by Excelfore.

Excelfore provides Ethernet protocol stacks and OTA middle wares. With light size and robust operation, they have one of the longest production histories in the market.

The Ethernet protocol stacks are used for in-vehicle Ethernet AVB and TSN (time-sensitive networking), as well as the cloud-to-vehicle eSync™ system for OTA updates, vehicle health/diagnostics and machine learning.

Compatible with Linux, AUTOSAR and RTOS for Arm, Renesas, STMicroelectronics, NXP, Microchip and TI MCUs, Excelfore's Ethernet protocol stacks and OTA middle wares products can be used together with IAR Embedded Workbench for various microcontrollers and microprocessor.

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