Sunrise Labs

Sunrise Labs provides nimble product development with an ISO 13485-certified process, and their systems, electronics, and software design experts turn novel ideas into commercial products.

Efficient use of processor resources

The company has over 20 years of success in executing challenging designs from wireless, battery-powered devices, to complex systems with high-performance analog conditioning, controls, real-time, multi-tasking software and intuitive user interfaces. Sunrise Labs brings significant expertise in architecting, and selecting technology to satisfy both technical and business goals, implementing for robust, safe, reliable performance, with early QA planning for verification and validation. Full product development services include full software quality assurance, software verification and validation, and software life-cycle management for sustaining engineering support.

How IAR Visual State makes a difference

Complex behaviors required for embedded devices can be difficult to specify and implement correctly, especially in target environments with limited resources. IAR visualSTATE addresses all of these areas: design specification, verification, and code generation; it has been exemplary at efficient use of processor resources while providing a very high level of abstraction for developers.

IAR Visual State provides an excellent mechanism to communicate designs

As a contract developer of medical devices, Sunrise Labs must clearly communicate a detailed design with its clients, device users, developers, and risk management teams. IAR visualSTATE provides an excellent mechanism to communicate designs, and the confidence that once this design is understood and approved, it is implemented with perfect fidelity. The new statechart Viewer application in IAR visualSTATE makes this process especially convenient.

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