
We can offer you a creative environment with strong team spirit
where we support you to grow professionally and as an individual. 

We are knowledge-intensive

We are a knowledge-intensive and value driven company, operating in a fast-paced, technology driven environment. We are a dedicated team of more than 200 employees worldwide; all proudly working together to provide the most competitive customer solutions.

IAR is a global company at the top of our industry, providing world-leading software for building embedded applications. We supply the tools and services that make embedded systems development fast, efficient and reliable, enabling our customers worldwide to deliver better products to their markets faster.


Job openings

Become one of us

Your knowledge and skills can develop our business.
Join us now!

Open positions


Are you writing your thesis?

Are you an engineering student with focus on programming? We offer several master's thesis proposals, including modelling option logic, parallel debugging and more.

Master’s thesis

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